Never run out... but more importantly, ditch the toxins!
Take charge of what goes on the skin of your wee ones!
TRUTH BOMB: Did you know that store-bought baby wipes have anywhere from 10-25 synthetic & chemical ingredients (and you can double or triple that if there is "fragrance"!) that have been linked to developmental problems, allergies, reproductive dysfunction, endocrine disruption and even cancer...?
And don't let the clever marketing lingo fool you! Take a look at some of the ingredients in Huggies "Natural-Care" Wipes...
Do you think it just might be time to make the switch to ALL-NATURAL for once and for all..?
It's easier than you might think!
If you're a do-it-yourself kinda person, you'll love this DIY Recipe to make your own 3 ingredient & super baby-safe BABY WIPES!
Not only will you save money (the average family spends up to $175 USD on store-bought wipes for their baby in that first year), but even more importantly, you can be confident that you are doing yet ONE more awesome thing for your loved ones: Ditching the toxins, and switching to not only all-natural ingredients—but BENEFICIAL ingredients!
It truly is a win/win...
(Click on image to enlarge)
Want an easy-to-follow recipe to print out & build your own "Hack Binder" collection?
I've got that covered! Anyone who makes their first Young Living essential oils purchase through me (or through someone on my BLOOM CREW team), gets approved by me for exclusive & full access to helpful & practical BLOOM CREW Hacks just like this from my RESOURCES VAULT (pull down the "Resources" tab above for a sneak peak Overview).
NOTE: All BLOOM CREW Hacks available in the VAULT are also created for my team members as shareable with others, with a spot for your own member info sticker in the top left corner.
GIFT IDEA! Make this DIY Hack for your loved ones or friends, and tuck the printed recipe page in with it to show them just how easy & fun it is to make! Let the blessings flow! :-)
So... what if you'd rather just BUY your all-natural wipes?
Young Living has ready-made wipes in addition to a whole line of dedicated 100% toxin-free baby-friendly products in their wonderful Seedlings line!
(HINT: these wipes don't have to just be for babies! Think make-up remover... camping freshen-up... pet wipes... soothing for sunburns or skin conditions... and even as a wholesome alternative for toxic dryer sheets!)
For more extensive Young Living personal care product information & education in video format, check out my BLOOM CREW YouTube Playlist HERE!
Thanks for joining me today!
~Lea Mallett
YL Member #14678057
Excited to share more with you all as my time allows—SO many good ones!
Looking forward to trying DIY recipes!