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Writer's picture: Lea MallettLea Mallett

Get the upper handle on all those surface nasties!

Go ahead, toss out those rubber gloves—you won't be needing them any more. PERIOD.

Have you been wiping down surfaces in your home or at work with store-bought wipes? Next time your reach for those Clorox or Lysol wipes, check out the label. Note the warning signs of toxicity & instructions to call Poison Control if exposed to skin. Ugh!

What does this mean for you, exactly?

TRUTH BOMB: Most of the ingredients (chemicals) found in household cleaners fall into these categories:

Carcinogens – which are known to cause or promote cancer
Endocrine disruptors – which mimic human hormones and cause false signals within the body and lead to issues such as infertility, premature puberty, miscarriage, menstrual issues, ADHD and even cancer.
Neurotoxins – which affect brain activity and cause issues such as headaches and memory loss

And that is just skimming the surface, my friend! (stay tuned for my next eBook in the queue: "THE UGLY TRUTHS") Even if we're wearing rubber gloves to do the dirty deed, do we REALLY want to be breathing in that stuff...? There's no way around that one!

So let's just cut to the chase...

Is it just me, or is there is just something really disturbing about cleaning a toilet and then throwing that cleaning rag into the dirty laundry or even into the washing machine? Oh for sure, people do it every day and live to tell about it. But I'm sorry... I may be a farm girl—but, honestly, that's just revolting!

Do you think it's as good a time as any to make the switch to truly ALL-NATURAL (and disposable—yay!!)..?

It's a breeze, trust me on this one!

If you're a do-it-yourself kinda person, you'll just love this DIY Recipe to whip up your own 2 ingredient & super human-friendly THIEVES WIPES!

Not only will you save money on those smelly, harsh and dangerously TOXIC cleaning wipes, but even more importantly, you can be confident that you are doing yet ONE more awesome thing for yourself and your loved ones: Ditching the toxins, and switching to not only all-natural ingredients—but BENEFICIAL ingredients!

And NO MORE rubber gloves—you actually WANT your Thieves cleaner to be in contact with your body. Figure that! Yet another win/win. :-)

(Click on image to enlarge)

(HINT: The super neat thing about this DIY is you can totally make this a dozen different ways. I suggest Lemon or Citrus Fresh, but you could use Purification, Jade Lemon, Lavender, Tangerine, or whatever you want your surfaces to smell like! You could also use reusable cloths instead of paper towels if you so choose!)


Want an easy-to-follow recipe to print out & build your own "Hack Binder" collection?

I've got that covered! Anyone who makes their first Young Living essential oils purchase through me (or through someone on my BLOOM CREW team), gets approved by me for exclusive & full access to helpful & practical BLOOM CREW Hacks just like this from my RESOURCES VAULT (pull down the "Resources" tab above for a sneak peak Overview).

NOTE: All BLOOM CREW Hacks available in the VAULT are also created for my team members as shareable with others, with a spot for your own member info sticker in the top left corner.

GIFT IDEA! Make this DIY Hack for your loved ones or friends, and tuck the printed recipe page in with it to show them just how easy & fun it is to make! Let the blessings flow! :-)


Now... what if you'd rather just BUY your all-natural wipes?

Young Living has ready-made THIEVES wipes in addition to a whole line of dedicated 100% toxin-free cleaning products in their wonderful THIEVES line!


For more extensive Young Living Thieves cleaning line product information & education in video format, check out my BLOOM CREW YouTube Playlist HERE!

Thanks for joining me today!

~Lea Mallett

YL Member #14678057

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