Due for release this winter, "THE UGLY TRUTHS"
is going to infuriate you. Just sayin'.

NOTE: These PDFs will be available to anyone on my team post-release of the two eBooks

much-needed exposé—but not without it's companion eBook "THE BEAUTIFUL TRUTHS"!
As much as we all need to know how we're being duped in this toxic world... we also need to know that we don't need to be stuck in the awful, debilitating knowledge of it all—with no recourse to solutions. Not on my watch! There are solutions a-plenty. And they are not only going to reduce your toxic load a hundred-fold, but also super-charge your immune system at the same time. For real!
Here's a sneak peak of one of the pages from my "Truth Hack" printable PDF version, similar content (in part) to what will be in the book...
Some history first... Started back in the winter of 2020, the content of "The Ugly Truths" was put on hold in the spring in lieu of creating my first eBook the "Oil of the Good Samaritan" (which has turned my whole world upside down post-release!). I'm getting slowly back on track, and looking forward to releasing this